In recent years, those working in the modern industrial world are waking up to the increasing needs to find meaning and purpose in their lives and to work in the service of something beyond profits and loss.
Transpersonal means beyond the personal. It works with our yearning, ingrained in the collective archetypes of human psyche, for evolving from the “fear-driven” focus in our Self Interest (become the best of the world) to the “trust-driven” focus on the Common Good (become the best for the world).
“When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness”.
Joseph Campbell.
Inspired by the works of Eric Berne, Claude Steiner, Roberto Asaggioli, Joseph Campbell, Brian Hall, Carol Pearson and Richard Barrett, Héctor has created the Model of The 7 Archetypes as a Personal Transformation aid.
The Seven Archetypes Model takes us further by clearly define with insight and understanding, how the seven heroic archetypes that exists in all of us, can be activated to reach our fullest potential by achieving a balance between work, family, and the self.
To facilitate the practical application of the model in the workplace, Héctor have developed applications of the Seven Archetypes Model, for supporting Leaders, Change Agents and Teams involved in the implementation of Cultural Transformation.
Since 2004, Transform Action is using applications of The Seven Archetypes Model, to facilitate personal & collective transformation in Teams and Organizations.
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