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Workshop Impulsando la Transformación | Colombia
IMPULSANDO LA TRANSFORMACIÓN: Agilidad y Cultura Stefanini Colombia, Transform Action & Barrett Values Centre te traerán una nueva experiencia de TRANSFORMACIÓN. De la mano de Héctor Infer, fundador de Transform Action, quien acompaña a Líderes y Organizaciones...
Seminar: How to Build the Teams of the Future
What is the future of organizations in the current environment? How can we transform organizations from a conventional approach to new evolutionary approaches? Most organisations have been in the process of transformation for years and have already seen that...
Seminario Construir los equipos del futuro
Systemic Cultural Transformation Certification Madrid 2019
Systemic Cultural Transformation Certification Madrid 2019 From the hand of Héctor Infer, Designer and Global Trainer of Systemic Cultural Transformation have been certified. Beatriz Corona, Paty Zambrano, Sonia Castillo, Christian Fernandez, Joan Rubio, Merche...
Ponentes Corporate Learning 2019 | Transform Action
Gabriela Infer, manager de Transform Action, participará como moderadora en Corporate Learning 2019, el próximo 17 de octubre en el Circulo de Bellas Artes, en Madrid. Un evento que reunirá a un panel VIP de ponentes formado por CEO, Directores de RRHH, responsables...
Speakers Corporate Learning 2019 | Transform Action
Speakers Corporate Learning 2019 Gabriela Infer, manager of Transform Action, will participate as moderator in Corporate Learning 2019, next October 17 at the Circulo de Bellas Artes, in Madrid. An event that will bring together a VIP panel of speakers made up of...
Corporate Learning 2019 | Transform Action
Transform Action estará presente el día 17 de octubre, en el evento más importante de España sobre Talento y Aprendizaje. Bajo el hashtag #CorporateLearning19 estaremos con invitados muy importantes que nos brindaran todo su saber. Transform Action facilitará la Mesa...
Corporate Learning 2019 | Transform Action
Corporate Learning 2019 Transform Action will be present on October 17th at the most important Talent and Learning event in Spain. Under the hashtag #CorporateLearning19 we will be with very important guests who will give us all their knowledge. Transform Action will...
Seminario Cultura Ágil Sostenible | Transform Action
Seminar Culture and Agile Organizations | Transform Action
Seminar Culture and Agile Organizations On June 13, 2019 took place the Seminar Culture and Agile Organizations, where they were present responsible for people from different business sectors. Thanks to which the morning was very enriching, they shared experiences,...
Systemic Cultural Transformation – Bogotá
Digital Transformation- Is it just digitization?
VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous), companies and people, who ultimately make up organisations, have to adapt or reinvest in order to face the changes taking place in the organisation and in the markets. Although this has been repeated for...
Nuevos Retos Empresariales | Transform Action
aquí. En la actualidad, los directivos de empresa y los líderes de equipos enfrentan grandes retos: ¿Cómo atraer, motivar y mantener el talento? ¿Cómo incrementar la rentabilidad, cómo alcanzar la sostenibilidad y atender las necesidades de los diferentes grupos de...
NEW BUSINESS CHALLENGES We share with you some of the reflections we shared in the book CONECT, a practical guide to transforming team culture. You can download the book here. Today, business leaders and team leaders face great challenges: How to attract, motivate and...
Seminar Culture and Agile Organizations | Transform Action
Seminar Culture and Agile Organizations, where they were present responsible for people from different business sectors. Thanks to which the morning was very enriching, they shared experiences, similar circumstances and networking. Participating companies: Banco...
Seminario Cultura y Organizaciones ágiles | Transform Action
El día 13 de junio de 2019 tuvo lugar el Seminario Cultura y Organizaciones Ágiles, donde se hicieron presentes responsables de personas de distintos sectores empresariales. Gracias a los cuales la mañana ha sido muy enriquecedora, han compartido experiencias,...
<![CDATA[ WELCOME NEW CERTIFICATES IN SYSTEMIC CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION TO OUR NETWORK! Last week we certified by Héctor Infer and Gabriela Infer Arrom, Global Trainers TCS, new international consultants in our TCS methodology. Systemic Cultural Transformation....
International Certification CTT | Transform Action
International Certification CTT | Transform Action Last week we certified Wyser's SECOND TEAM in the CTT Foundation International Certification: Welcome the new CTT Certificates to the Barrett Value Centre Global Network! Welcome to a group of people committed to...
La metáfora del árbol | Transform Action
Metáfora del árbol: ejercicio para la reflexión Utilizamos la metáfora del árbol para ilustrar los aspectos visibles e invisibles de nuestras vidas. Nuestra realidad consiste de una parte que es visible para los demás y una parte invisible. Por lo general, el lado...
Creando una coalición impulsora | Sabic
Liderando el Futuro | Alumina
Lidera el futuro Evento de transformación Cultural Alumina En total fueron 72 líderes de ciudades como Medellín, Cali y Bogotá- Recinto Quirama – Rionegro, Antioquia- Colombia El pasado 25 y 26 de abril, acompañamos con e invitados por nuestro partner...
Sabic, Creating a Driving Coalition
13 de junio. Cultura y Organizaciones Ágiles
Values are the keys to business success
Why are values key to business success? Do leaders fully value the importance of having clearly defined business values that are lived and breathed throughout the organization? Sadly, no! Values rarely receive the attention they deserve despite their far-reaching...
Los valores son clave para el éxito de un negocio
¿Por qué los valores son clave para el éxito en los negocios? ¿Los líderes valoran plenamente la importancia de tener valores empresariales claramente definidos que se vivan y se respiren en toda la organización? ¡Tristemente no!Los valores rara vez reciben la...
Making decisions basen on values | Transform Action
The importance of making decisions based on values This post is so valuable that we decided to translate it in order to share its content. (References below) The power of choice is one of the greatest gifts we are given. In fact, it is so important that the privilege...