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 Conéctate- La metaforá del Arbol

 Conéctate- La metaforá del Arbol

Utilizamos la metáfora del árbol para ilustrar los aspectos visibles e invisibles de nuestras vidas. Nuestra realidad consiste de una parte que es visible para los demás y una parte invisible. Por lo general, el lado invisible constituye una gran parte de...

Evolución Cultural de las Empresas Familiares

Evolución Cultural de las Empresas Familiares

A lo largo de nuestra experiencia profesional, hemos colaborado con directivos y propietarios de diferentes países, a transitar por las crisis de transición que caracterizan la evolución cultural de las empresas familiares.  Como fruto de esta experiencia, hemos...

El Líder como motor de la transformación, Héctor Infer

El Líder como motor de la transformación, Héctor Infer

La transformación personal del líder, resulta esencial para impulsar la transformación cultural de su equipo con integridad, ilusión y congruencia. Si estos factores de éxito del cambio no están presentes, el líder no tendrá impacto ni influencia en su equipo. Es por...

The Model of Seven Archetypes

The Model of Seven Archetypes

In recent years, those working in the modern industrial world are waking up to the increasing needs to find meaning and purpose in their lives and to work in the service of something beyond profits and loss. Transpersonal means beyond the personal. It works with our...

The Metrics of Human Consciousness

The Metrics of Human Consciousness

«Richard Barrett offers us an exciting new direction for measuring consciousness.
He has proven that the insights these measures bring can significantly improve our individual, organisational and societal performance.
The work of the Barrett Values Centre stands as a testament to what can be achieved by seriously applying ourselves to the measurement of conscious.”

A World Book of Values

A World Book of Values

A World Book of Values offers you a multi-cultural window to values-driven humanity. All 384 essays by 254 co-authors in this book will show you how values are present and indispensable in any given situation, at any time. The actual world is what we make of it; the future world is what we choose to create…

The new leadership paradigm

The new leadership paradigm

This book is a leadership development textbook for the twenty-first century leader. It pulls together the latest and best thinking in leadership and puts it in an evolutionary context that has been tried and tested over many years.

Organizaciones impulsadas por valores

Organizaciones impulsadas por valores

Basándose en una cantidad significativa de nuevas investigaciones procedentes de múltiples fuentes, Richard Barrett construye un texto convincente acerca de por qué las organizaciones impulsadas por valores son las que más éxito tienen en todo el planeta.

The Values -Driven Organization

The Values -Driven Organization

“Richard Barrett has made extraordinary contributions to our understanding of organisational values and culture. His frame-works for measuring culture and enabling whole system change are elegant. His reservoir of know-ledge is vast and his connection to timeless wisdom is profound.”

Get Connected book

Get Connected book

Get Connected is a collaborative effort among a group of highly experienced transformation facilitators, aiming to empower team leaders with a practical toolkit to help them build teams and grow team cultures. It is a do-it-yourself package to guide you through the framework, process and methodology of team development.

Liberating the corporate soul

Liberating the corporate soul

Liberating the corporate soul is a Richard Barrett book.
Tapping into the latent creativity and productivity in an organizations employees are two of the most important things any successful business should be concerned with. In a world where competition has become global, successful companies are learning to build competitive advantage through their human capital.

Cambio y evolución en las Organizaciones

Cambio y evolución en las Organizaciones

"Dime cómo cambias y te diré quién eres" Es innegable que a día de hoy, las organizaciones se encuentran en un momento en el que el cambio es un requerimiento, adaptándose a las nuevos requisitos competitivos, para encontrar así la sostenibilidad de su ejercicio. Como...