VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous), companies and people, who ultimately make up organisations, have to adapt or reinvest in order to face the changes taking place in the organisation and in the markets. Although this has been repeated for decades, with Darwin’s famous and famous phrase «The species that survive are not the strongest, nor the fastest, nor the most intelligent; but those that adapt best to change», although this is attributed to him it has not been proven to be his, but we can assure you that today it is real and necessary to take it into account. The digital transformation consists of a profound change of people and processes in the face of the rapid changes that are taking place today. The changes can be technological, in processes, in ways of working, in ways of communicating, etc. We all live the digital transformation, day by day, not only in companies, but as consumers or do we go to the bank every day, pay our bills in long queues? not anymore! We have to understand that the digital transformation has a fundamental base that is the cultural transformation; and What is the cultural transformation? At Transform Action, as specialists in this subject, we understand Cultural Transformation as But what is culture? For us Culture is… The values and behaviours used by the members of an organisation to relate to each other, carry out their work and manage the different Audiences of Interest in their company. It is also a «Collective Habit» that is created, reinforced and perpetuated through the daily interactions between the members of the organization and the people in its operating environments. The Culture of an organization creates the «experiential» attributes of Internal Brand (experience of employees) and External Brand (experience of Clients and other Audiences of Interest of the Company). The Cultural Transformation Process has the purpose of: To improve the Current Results of the Teams and to Reach the Desirable Results for your organization, by means of the Change of values and conducts of people and organizations, to obtain a longing or to consolidate a Superior Sustainable Performance. Without personal transformation there is no cultural transformation and much less, digital transformation. Cultural Transformation begins with personal transformation», organizations do not change, people do, and that is why personal involvement drives the transformation of teams. Without personal transformation there is no collective change.
Digital Transformation- Is it just digitization?
por transformaction | Jul 5, 2019 | Cultural Transformation | 0 Comentarios