Cultural transformation is a process. On 12 February 2019, under the title «Mission Possible: Empowering People to Transform the Organization», the Talented Breakfast sponsored by Transform Action addressed the challenges of transformation in the company with the participation of Human Resources managers from Ferrovial, Mondelez International, Pelayo and Red Eléctrica. «Transformation is a process that lasts over time and transcends a specific impact. In short, we will change the word transformation for continuous evolution because it is going to mark us a lot not only what happens inside the organisation but also what happens outside». According to this vision of Gabriela Infer Arrom, manager of Transform Action. This was the axis of breakfast organized by Teams and Talents and sponsored by Transform Action, specialist in Cultural Transformation in Organizations. All present agreed that commitment and leadership determine success in a transformation process. Once this commitment has been made at the highest level, the next key link in a successful transformation process is management. Thus, when dealing with leadership skills, Transform Action manager Gabriela Infer stated that «the leader must be a checker of his team’s motivations in order to take it where it needs to take it. The most complete leadership is that in which the leader, from his own point of view, is capable of putting himself in the place of his teams». Now we need transformative leadership that is a faci to work from the motivation of their teams and support them in that journey,» he said. In this sense, Ana Molina, from Transform Action, defined the role of the leader as one that «orients, inspires and contributes to achieve teams that row together towards the same objective». Ana Molina | Transform Action Puedes leer toda la información del desayuno aquí]]>