The new leadership paradigm

Richard Barrett

This book is a leadership development textbook for the twenty-first century leader. It pulls together the latest and best thinking in leadership and puts it in an evolutionary context that has been tried and tested over many years. It is also a reference book for change agents, coaches, and organisational development trainers who support the leaders of institutions, organisations, and communities in their cultural transformation journeys. It contains an assemblage of cutting-edge best practices in personal and cultural transformation.

Ready for your Organization to thrive?

Most importantly, it is a guidebook for all those individuals who aspire to live with passion and purpose and have an earnest desire to become all they can become. It provides ways of describing and mapping their evolution in personal consciousness, overcoming their fears, discovering their passion and purpose, and understanding how to leverage their impact in the world.

It is the foundation text for a new leadership development learning system comprised of four modules:

  • Leading Self
  • Leading Others (Team)
  • Leading an Organisation
  • Leading in Society

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Una Guía práctica para transformar la cultura de equipos y organizaciones.

Primer fruto de la experiencia conjunta de cinco Global Trainers de la Comunidad CTT como Facilitadores Senior de Procesos de Transformación Cultural: Tor Eneroth, Pleuntje van Meer, Niran Jiang, Phil Clothier y  Héctor Infer.

10 Arquetipos para construir los equipos del futuro.

En este Libro y taller encontrarás modelos y herramientas para reinventar los equipos y facilitar la adopción de las nuevas formas de pensar y actuar requeridas para crear organizaciones del futuro.

La Organización impulsada por valores

Basándose en una cantidad significativa de nuevas investigaciones procedentes de múltiples fuentes, Richard Barrett construye un texto convincente acerca de por qué las organizaciones impulsadas por valores son las que más éxito tienen en todo el planeta.