Last August we had the opportunity to perform the CTT Cultural Certification Transform Action Tools Practitioner in Costa Rica, with our partner Pura Estrategia, accompanying managers, consultants and coaches, people with passion to create teams and organizations driven by Values. The CTT Cultural Transformation Tools Practitioner Certification provides tools and models to measure & transform the culture of teams, communities and organizations. Thanks to all the participants who have made this edition possible and Welcome to the Global Network! It has been a real pleasure to share, in this beautiful country, with a Human group where some of its drivers are to create a better world, to have purpose, to be happy, to transcend, to leave a mark and a legacy, to positively impact others, to perform personally and professionally, to achieve goals, to fulfill dreams, among others … We want to share  some Testimonies from the Participants about what the Program has contributed to them:

  • «A new Practical Methodology that will support the processes of cultural change that I lead and of which I am part of the company». Paula Murillo Chacón, Human Resources Director of Tigo Une.
  • «A way of working the whole culture. Personal and professional learning» Rebeca Vargas. Bac Credomatic Human Talent Head.
  • «A higher level of awareness and knowledge on the topic of values and the Model» Manuel Rojas Vargas. Senior Training at Dole
  • «I discovered a tool based on values to be able to modify structures of an organization» Ana Gabriela Chaverri- Consultant Sr de Take your life.
  • «That Values are vital to move and transform entire people and societies» Alexandra Loaiza Director of Take your life.
  • «A very good methodology easy to understand in order to positively influence people and bring them to action according to the strategy» Laura Castañeda. Business Process Director of Tigo Une.
  • «That there are tools and techniques that allow to unite the strategy with the personal and business purpose». Aidee Díaz. Director of Spiral Human.
The CTT Practitioner , which we offer in site, virtual and «In-Company» formats, is developed through practical experiences based on the Get Connected Manual Tools. Upcoming editions in Spain, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, Portugal, Argentina and our Virtual Edition with great success every month of the year! This program, which is aimed at HR professionals and corporate development, Mentor coaches and Talent Management facilitators. If you want to continue with your training consult our complementary programs: Systemic Cultural Transformation, Get Connected, Transformation Facilitation progamme. To Inscriptions and more information please contact us!  We deliver this Certification in Spanish, English and Portuguese.]]>